More Perfect Union

Video, Motion Graphics, & Content Strategy
2021, 2023 - Present

I worked with More Perfect Union during the team’s inception in 2021. I produced rapid response video on a number of labor fights including the Amazon strikes and Kroger’s store closings.

I created motion graphics templates to be used by other editors, wrote video scripts, strategized about how to best accomplish MPU’s mission of helping working people be seen and heard in media coverage. I began working with the team again in 2023.

How To Cancel Your Medical Debt

Most medical debt in America can be forgiven immediately. The health care industry doesn’t want you to know this, but the process is straightforward and we explain exactly how you can do it today.

Why Standardized Testing Is Racist

Since No Child Left Behind was implemented in 2001, the test prep industry has grown 400%. But the achievement gap between Black, Latino, and low-income kids and their wealthy and white peers hasn’t budged. Rep. Jamaal Bowman talks about the harm that standardized testing is causing, and call for our country to reimagine schooling.

The Most Important Pro-Worker Bill In Decades

Rep. Andy Levin explains how the PRO Act would benefit the Amazon workers in Alabama who are trying to form a union.

Kroger’s Corporate Greed

Kroger made a $2.6 billion profit in 2020 and then threatened to close stores in Long Beach, Seattle, and LA over hazard pay laws. Workers, led by UFCW 770, UFCW 21 and other locals fought to negotiate better contracts for their workers and keep stores open.