Everpress Artist

T-shirt Design
2022 - Present

Manicured lawns do not exist in nature, and their upkeep requires chemicals, emissions, and a whole lot of water. Instead, we can sow native plants to support pollinators and the Earth.

While recognizing the enormous environmental impact of large corporations, we can resist climate doomism by making small changes in our own backyards – literally. It matters!

This Earth Day design for Everpress has sold in over 15 countries world-wide and is a best-seller on the site.

This shirt features a coneflower AKA Echinacea, a favorite of bees and butterflies. Birds also love to feed on their spent seeds. Coneflower roots can grow up to 5 feet deep, making them drought resistant.

Of course, Indigenous people have been using Echinacea as a medicinal plant for centuries